Pulling boat made of VENDIA

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A project started in April 2015 which aimed to design a sportier and lighter boat, so called pulling boat, mainly for use of boat building courses. The plan was to create a boat model that would be faster to build than traditional clinker boat. This feature would bring cost benefits especially for the boat building courses. In addition to the cost benefits the aim was to design a boat that would be fast and sensitive to row. The prototype was carried out in cooperation with VENDIA WOODS, boatbuilding line of Savonia vocational school and boat designer Jarmo Häkkinen.
Kuva poistettu.
Kuva poistettu.

The designer Jarmo Häkkinen said that the boat reached the targets that were set before building the project: “Couple rowing speed of the boat is 14,6 kph (9,07 mph) and single rowing speed is 9,8 kph (6,09 mph). For example speed of 7 kph (4,35 mph) is such that average rower could keep up for hours.” The boat is built of VENDIA marine plank with four pairs of planks. It is 1,44 meters wide and 5,8 meters in length. So the length of the boat is such that it is possible to build with two planks of VENDIA jointed together. Weight of the boat is 53 kg. The speed and directional stability are excellent and the lightness of rowing attracts hopefully new enthusiasts to the world of boat building and rowing”, says Jarmo.
Kuva poistettu. Kuva poistettu.

Kuva poistettu.The boat model is designed so that it is simple and quick to build on the boat building courses, especially by the newcomers. For a professional boat builder it takes approximately 41-43 hours to build this kind of boat model.
From this link you can watch the video that shows the building project of this boat.
Information and pictures: Jarmo Häkkinen