
Scarf jointing of VENDIA

Profile picture for user jouka.dehm
Sunny greetings from Finland!
Scarf jointing of VENDIA is a topic what have been asked often. The video of scarf jointing published in the spring was very liked and it was felt to be particularly useful. Here is the video again to those who have missed it then.

Scarf jointing of VENDIA marine plank

Profile picture for user jouka.dehm
VENDIA marine plank is available in lengths of 2 600 mm and 3 000 mm. Scarf jointing is easy and simple way to lengthen a marine plank. We have got questions about how the scarf jointing can be made. Video about scarf jointing is now ready to watch. In the video, the designer and builder of Niko pulling boat Jarmo Häkkinen shows how the scarf jointing of VENDIA marine plank happens.

Pulling boat made of VENDIA

Profile picture for user jouka.dehm
A project started in April 2015 which aimed to design a sportier and lighter boat, so called pulling boat, mainly for use of boat building courses. The plan was to create a boat model that would be faster to build than traditional clinker boat. This feature would bring cost benefits especially for the boat building courses. In addition to the cost benefits the aim was to design a boat that would be fast and sensitive to row.

Veneer slicing video

Profile picture for user jouka.dehm
We have been asked what the veneer slicing means in practice. Rotary cut veneer is more familiar for the most of us, whereas the veneer slicing is a quite unfamiliar method to produce veneers. We have been writing about the differences between sliced veneer and rotary cut veneer in this post. However we also shot a video how the veneer slicing happens and what is a starting point of VENDIA marine plank. Let the video speak for itself.