Jonas Bjørkli - Alta (NO)

My name is Jonas Björkli, I'm 20 years old and come from Alta in Finnmark, where I build boats for use on the Alta River. I've been doing this for about three years now, but the experience comes quickly; the boats are 6-9 metres long and about 110-120 cm wide. On a daily basis, I carpenter houses and have boat building as a hobby.

My workshop is at home in the garage, where I have a very simple set-up, a boat log, a workbench, simple hand tools and a band saw.

Riverboat made from Vendia on the shores of the Alta River
Riverboat made from Vendia on the shores of the Alta River

Contact details


Sagabrinken 30
9517 Alta

bjorkli.jonas [at]

Social media

Finished Hull of the Alta Riverboat
River boat for the Alta river under construction in Jonas workshop
Finished Hull of the Alta Riverboat
Finished Hull of the Alta Riverboat
River boat for the Alta river under construction in Jonas workshop
River boat for the Alta river under construction in Jonas workshop
River boat for the Alta river under construction in Jonas workshop
River boat for the Alta river under construction in Jonas workshop
Jonas and his catch