AHOI Werkstatt

Florian Widmer is the talented and creative mind behind the AHOI Werkstatt in Bern, which he founded after completing his boat builder apprenticeship and winning the Swissskills competition. He is known for his versatility and commitment to sustainability. With his passion for boats and craftsmanship, he has created a space that serves as a studio, workshop, and meeting place all in one. Here, traditional and modern techniques merge to create unique and handcrafted pieces. Florian places great emphasis on sustainability and quality, which is reflected in every one of his projects. Through his work, Florian makes a strong statement about the importance of craftsmanship and creativity in an increasingly digital world. His open and welcoming nature makes the AHOI Werkstatt not only a place of production but also a vibrant meeting point for creative minds. 

Florian in his workshop
AHOI Werkstatt Logo

Contact details


3007 Bern

info [at] ahoiwerkstatt.ch

Social media

Florians boatbuilding workshop
Boat repairs and maintenance
Restauration of an old boat
Florian, a master wooden boatbuilder from passion
Florian looking through a lifesaving ring