Blogi arkisto 2014
VENDIA sails to the seas
VENDIA in British Water Craft magazine
First motorboat made of VENDIA
Launching the first boat
Let us introduce the VENDIA manufacturing path
Raw material used in VENDIA marine plank is butt logs from old grown Finnish pine. A good quality raw material is the most important part of VENDIA. Whereas ideal soil, clean air, clear water and slow growth are the key factors of high quality raw material.
A good quality raw material and sliced veneers make VENDIA beautiful and durable.
Experiences of the boatbuilder
Boatyard Ruotsalainen from Nurmes has built wooden boats of VENDIA marine plank among the first boatbuilders in Finland. Ruotsalainen has built wooden boats over 30 years, so he was very interested in this new type of marine plank and he also saw it as a welcome novelty in addition to traditional plywood. Now Ruotsalainen has built two boats of VENDIA marine plank and his experiences have been great. Also his customers have liked the end result and especially they have been taken to the appearance of the marine plank.